~ CJ Hopkins, “The Road to Totalitarianism”
By Catherine Austin Fitts
We live in a multiple personality world.
We are often required to pretend that a simulated reality is true. This is part of meeting people where they are. I asked CJ Hopkins recently why he was so good at understanding the simulated reality. He said, “I’m a playwright. That’s what I do. I create simulated realities.” Indeed, Shakespeare explained this in As You Like It:
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts.
We understand and master the simulation to navigate it. However, we also seek to understand reality to stay healthy and effectively manage our time, our education, our money, and the many risks that drain them. Unfortunately, if you depend on the simulation for risk management, you can end up with your money disappearing into Madoff, Enron, Lehman, or MF Global not to mention what can happen to your life these days in a hospital or pharmacy.
Effective risk management is not easy to do. For one thing, it is impossible to get all the timely intelligence we would like about who and what is running the simulation and what the real risks they or we are facing. The rise of organized crime and the breakdown of law and order—or perhaps I should say the “legalization” of criminality—makes this task complex.
We would be well advised to be astute in our communications. There are social situations that require either a full embrace of the simulated reality or a polite and speedy exit. Finding a doctor or nurse who understands reality and will communicate in reality mode can save your life. Add to this the fact that many of us are living in a multicultural world, with busy schedules that can require us to toggle back and forth between simulated realities and reality throughout our day.
It reminds me of what one of my partners on Wall Street used to call “the great art of muddling through.” When you swung around big money, you lived and operated in a world where you had to trade. If you were sitting on a position and did nothing, that was a trade. You were staying “long.” The trader with 3% insight along with a good appreciation for the primary trends—the long-term trend and direction of major economic and political events—could outtrade the trader with 2% insight. Good intelligence was critical if you could get it. However, intuition was equally critical because intelligence was often spotty.
Those who remained grounded and coherent in an ungrounded and incoherent environment made money and rose in the ranks.
On Wall Street, I watched the management of reality unfold with the engineering of rules that determined the train tracks of the financial system—debt, equity, insurance—and the allocation of resources: food, energy, shelter, transportation, and so forth. It was the same in Washington, where most of the rules are made for both monetary and fiscal policy. While many of these rules were domestic, because the U.S. dollar was the reserve currency, U.S. rules and resource allocations also determined large swaths of the global economy.
One of my goals at the Solari Report is to help you track the financial rules and the train tracks of the financial system that drives reality. As we have moved from financial coup to the reengineering of the global financial system into a highly invasive control grid, we have had the benefit of excellent assistance from:
- Economist Dr. Mark Skidmore on the missing money and FASAB 56;
- Attorneys Michele Ferri and Jonathan Lurie on U.S. financial management laws; and
- Attorney Carolyn Betts on “Caveat Emptor” and on the missing money and FASAB 56 as gross violations of U.S. financial management and securities laws and what that means to investors.
After researching and publishing The State of Our Currencies (the 2nd Quarter 2019 Wrap Up published in April 2020), I turned to attorney John Titus to drill down into the “Going Direct Reset” in our 2020 Annual Wrap Up. As one of John’s admirers stated after reading it, “This is some serious hardware.”
Next, I asked Carolyn Betts, Gary Heckman, and investigative journalist Corey Lynn in the 1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up to address how we were going to take action and organize to maintain our freedom in this environment. In the process, the Solari team launched our #CashFriday campaign, relaunched the Silver & Gold Payment Calculator, and installed Solari Connect at connect.solari.com to give subscribers an online platform to organize Solari Circles in their communities and areas. To join Connect and start or join a Solari Circle, check into your account or create a support ticket at solari.com.
With his Going Direct analysis in circulation, I asked John to turn next to CBDCs—central bank digital currencies—for this 2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up. Once again, John did not disappoint. The move to all-digital financial systems is a critical component of the centralization of control.
What most struck me about John’s analysis on CBDCs was his realization as to how dark the goals of this effort are. I have been repeatedly warning that the combination of vaccine ID passports, CBDCs, and universal basic income will institute a slavery system. I have been unusually alarmist in my choice of words. So I assumed that John understood this. And yet, after he reviewed closely the efforts underway, he was struck by the darkness of where we are headed if we do not stop it. As you read this excellent review, I hope you will also listen to our interview recorded in July in which we discuss this. You can find video, audio, and transcript on the August 26, 2021 Solari Report interview at solari.com.
As John points out, CBDCs will take a long time to implement. That is not the case for vaccine ID passports, which are coming fast. Corey Lynn and Carolyn Betts will join me in the 3rd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up to review both vaccine ID passports and taxation. We published Corey’s four-part series “The Global Landscape of Vaccine ID Passports” and our interview with her on this topic as soon as they were ready. There are significant efforts under way to institute total financial control through the passports as well as online financial payment systems. If we don’t stop them this year and next, there is little chance we can stop the CBDCs.
Please do whatever you can to stop the vaccine ID passports. Don’t use them; don’t download them. Don’t let your state and national legislatures permit them. Unfortunately, this means we now may be living through the end of our digital lives if that is what it takes to avoid “the great poisoning.”
Admittedly, it is a dark time we live in. But in all periods, there are opportunities unique to the times. It is no different now. We are paying a heavy price for living beyond our means and refusing to face or deal with “the Beck Brothers.”* Now is our opportunity to do so. And, as one ally said to me with great excitement last Christmas, “friends are turning up everywhere.” Another said just last month while we were discussing starting a university, “I’m ready to build a whole new civilization.”
So, our tribe gathers as powerful shifts are upon us. The future beckons. And you never know what will happen until you try. Let’s give it our best. As I have often said, “Now is not the time in our history for a failure of imagination.”
Stavoren, Netherlands
September 18, 2021
*The “Beck Brothers” refers to the lawless businessmen in the series Yellowstone, which was the Solari Report Movie of the Year in 2019.